About Me Pages: About Boneshaker24 (330)
BONESHAKER is my internet & Lego Handle. My name is Paul. I stopped playing with Lego & all toys at the age of 10 when my parents divorced & we moved from a house to an apartment. I was told suddenly that I was done with toys. 29 years later I was a combat vet, married with a wife who was into crafting like I was & a dog who has farts that can strip paint! I watched the Lego "Brickumentry" & enjoyed it. 3 days later my wife was in the mall getting her iPhone fixed. There was the Lego store, I knew it was there. We went in & I saw the PAB wall. I filled a large cup like a Newb! Bad brick selection, no stacking plan, & enough air to supply a submarine. I also got a Speed Champions set for $14.99. Set number 75899. I took it home & put it together on my couch that night. After I finished I let out a breath. I felt a weight lift off me that I never knew was there. It felt awesome! I looked at my wife & told her "I think I'm hooked" I then began ordering Lego online. I paid way too much made way to many mistakes. I paid full price for sets because I really wanted them (Mistake!)I bought bulk lots, used. I sorted by color (mistake!) My basement looked like the Bilund Factory blew up in it. I had sets scattered all over my house. I also had a wife who is as nuts as me. we Hit K-marts that where closing (cause that's what K-marts do!) We collected CMF's. We went to Brickworld 2016 as normal weekenders & where blown away! I started watching Clutch, Brick Tsar & Brick stackers on you tube. I found "All sorted" pod cast and listend to James & Jeff. I plotted what sets to get next. what would retire & there for I needed to get. I sorted all my used onto a wall with Akro-mils binn cabinets. I made a cabinet I saw on Pinterest & started ARBCO Bricks. I out grew the Cabinet fast so it to was a mistake as the lumber cost $$$. Things are now organized. I watch for sales & deals like a Hawk! I collect what I like & part out what I can. My Akro mils wall that is ARBCO Bricks is twice my personal collection & growing. This year my wife an I attended Brick world Chicago as full registrants. We did our first set draws & draft & builds. Next year we will be there & want to get some MOC displayed. While ARBCO bricks grows; we are building a LEGO City 6ft away from it. I have meet great people through this simple toy that allows us all to make wonderful things no one thought of. So if I can help you complete that build, that vision, that one thing that will make a little kid say "WOW!!!" I say lets do it. My bricks are your bricks.
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